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5 Creative Ways to Get Moving

5 Creative Ways to Get Moving

For a healthy body and mind, movement is key. It can be hard in today’s fast moving world of technology to incorporate movement though. Screens and technology have made many tasks easier. From work to school to streaming shows to video games, work and play can leave you sitting staring at a screen.

You know moving your body and exercise are important. And you likely will feel better when you do it. But it can be hard to force yourself to go to the gym everyday, especially if you’re not into working out. The good news is, you don’t have to spend hours on a stairmaster or a treadmill if you don’t want to. There are several creative and fun ways to get moving.

1. Be a Kid Again

What were some fun things you liked to play as a kid? Why not try that as an adult and see if it’s still fun for you? Embrace that childlike wonder and get out and play adult league kickball or laser tag. Check out if anyone has a 3-on-3 tournament going this summer for basketball. You could even go old school and tie dye your shirts.

If you loved to climb as a kid, look for local rock walls and climbing gyms. Some playground equipment is even built with adults in mind. They are built sturdy, so if you have kids you can climb and play with them. Get in the mix and have fun! There are even sections at some parks that have workout equipment built in, so you won’t have to compete with the kiddos to get in a few reps.

2. Try Interactive Gaming

You can enjoy your video games and still get some movement in. VR headsets are a great way to get active, move, and immerse yourself in the game. There are even some exercise games. Other games for the Nintendo Switch can get you moving too. Whether it’s tennis or bowling, a variety of sports games require you to move your body, but it’s in a fun way.

A variety of consoles have options to get moving. The Switch also has workout games like Ring Fit. And don’t forget about the Just Dance games! You will work up a sweat in competitive dancing. Beat Saber is on the PS5 and other systems and lets you enjoy music while getting in a good arm workout. Pokemon Go is a popular augmented reality mobile game known for getting users out walking and looking for Pokemon in the community. Video games don’t always have to be played sitting in front of the TV.

3. Change Up Your Furniture

It can feel amazing to kick your feet up in your electric reclining couch at the end of the night. But did you know the ultra comfy furniture can make you lose muscle tone over the years? The Netflix docuseries Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones, focused on why these Blue Zones have the highest groups of people over 100 years old. One connection of health and mobility that was discovered through this was that people who live the longest often sit on the floor and squat.

Getting up and down unassisted and the balance required seem to be factors. When you bend and squat, you keep muscles engaged that you need for mobility. You too, can channel this same lifestyle. If you work from home, try getting a yoga ball to sit on or a standing desk. Watch TV on the treadmill, or sit or lay on the floor when watching sometimes. Small changes add up big time over the course of your life.

4. Enjoy Nature

To add movement, take the first step and go outside. Walk around your backyard and toss a frisbee or a ball. Start by taking 10 minute breaks and build from there. On weekends, if you have more time, get some friends together and go on a hike.

If you like exploring and treasure hunting, you could try geocaching. Outside yoga can also be a peaceful experience. Try planting flowers or gardening as a hobby. Biking is also a fun way to get in some exercise. Depending on your area, could you bike to work or the store? There are so many fun ways to get moving, and doing so outside is doubly beneficial since you get to enjoy the sunshine and breathe the fresh air.

5. Get Active While Doing Tasks

There are a lot of little tasks throughout the day that don’t require much physically. For example, consider talking on the phone. How often do you just talk and talk without moving a muscle? Taking your phone calls while walking or doing chores can help you get more steps in. Cooking more and not ordering out is another way you can subtly add movement to your day.

Daily activity that isn’t exercise accounts for about 100 to 800 calories used each day. This includes small activities like walking around the house and doing chores. You might be surprised by that, but think about it.

Cleaning 100% burns calories, especially scrubbing floors and bath tubs! And don’t forget about laundry. Lugging baskets to the laundry room and bending and scooping up clothes is pretty close to a full body workout. For extra movement and core engagement, fold the clothes while standing or sitting on the floor.

Life has gotten pretty comfortable – so many advances to make life easier can actually be a double-edge sword. Comfort is nice and so is self-care, just don’t take it to the extreme. Make sure to get into healthy habits too.Adding in a few of the tips outlined above can help you sneak in healthy movement options.

And have some fun with it! Exercise doesn’t have to be dull and methodical. Find something you enjoy and embrace it. Dance parties, kickball, monkey bars, walks in the woods, or hitting the gym are all fine. There are no wrong interests to have as long as you’re moving more.

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