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Build a React Native Application with React-Native Hooks

Build a React Native Application with React-Native Hooks


React-Native Hooks are functions introduced by React Native and it lets you hook into the React Native lifecycle and state features from its functional components. Hire react native developer and also these hooks don’t perform in classes that use React Native functions without classes. The reason is that classes have their built-in state and lifecycle features which functional components don’t have. Now the question arises how to use the same lifecycle and state in functional components as well as classes.

Here comes the role of hooks, as it allows creating and making every component as functional components. These React-Native Hooks are additional features with version 16.8 of React Native, and it allows using React Native features without classes. With hooks, the complexity of mobile app development services is less but also it doesn’t work inside the class.

Role of React-Native Hooks- why hooks?

It provides you with different methods for doing the same thing.

List of React-Native Hooks




This React Native hook is like this.state() in case of class. So we use UseState in mobile app development services instead of this.state() for updating the state value. Here unlike class, the state is not the object. The process is initialized in UseState with a value which is a string or number. To store more than one value, we have to call useState().

Syntax: Const [data, setData] = useState( //value ).


UseEffect React Native Hook is worked on as per class lifecycle componentWillUnMount, componentDidMount, and componentdidUpdate.

Hire react native developer and also this hook is just to re-render the components and change the state variable’s significant value. It accepts arguments and it does not return anything. Here the first argument is the function to hold the code one wants to execute at the run time. And the second argument is the optional one for when we want to execute the React Native Hooks. If you do not pass anything for this argument then the function will be called on every update and mount.

UseEffect reacts native hook is a side effect. We use it to change the state value and for the event-handler.


This React Native hook is another basic one for mobile app development services if you are not familiar with the API in React Native.

Let’s take a look into it. Consider a mobile app development services with many components. Within this parent component, there are many children components. Forwarding props among these nested components is a tough deal. And also it is very inappropriate causing problems and making code more confusing. So here comes the solution that is the UseContext hook, through which data directly passes to the component without passing through all levels. So go Hire react native developer.

const value = useContext(MyContext);


This additional React Native hook is for work in state management. Hire react native developer and also UseReducer is used as an alternative to UseState.

Below is the list of differences between UseState v. UseReducer.


Syntax: import React, { useMemo } from ‘react’

UseMemo React Native hook is similar to the UseCallback hook. Here the difference is that UseCallback is used to return memorized callbacks whereas UseMemo for memorized value. So if one is creating a react native mobile app development services and has to process a lot of data then using the UseMemo hook is better. It works at first render in the app and then the cache value returns every time. So, if you have UserName to pass it every time in this mobile app development services components then use UseMemo to pass it in one time. Hire react native developer and using this state value will be memorized and when one wants to use this value it will be faster and easier.




}, [dependencies])

Remember to add a parameter as an empty array to use UseMemo, otherwise, the memorization doesn’t happen. So if one passes an argument then it also passes in the array.


If one is looking for assistance in building a React Native application with the help of hooks then contact us for the same. Hire react native developer from us as we are renowned worldwide and have the best well-versed developers with top-line expertise. To expand your digital business and mobile app development services scale up with us.

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