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When writing an article

When writing an article, it is important to be able to identify your audience. Depending on this, you might want to choose a more formal or informal tone and word choice. A formal tone would be appropriate for a scholarly journal, while an informal one is often used in magazines designed for teenagers and young adults.

Things to consider when writing an article

Regardless of what type of article you’re writing, make sure that your sentence structure isn’t too complicated. Depending on the audience, include just enough information so as not to confuse or bore them but don’t overload them with unnecessary details and industry jargon they aren’t familiar with (unless it’s something they are looking for). If you are unsure how much detail to provide, ask yourself the following questions: What question does my target audience want answered? What is the problem? How will my target audience benefit from this article? What’s the solution? What are the pros and cons of my solution? Will this article help or hurt my target audience in the long run?

Once you have figured out your report topic, take a step back from the research and summarize everything you learned. Your summary should be about 3-5 sentences long and highlight the most important details that would appeal to your intended audience. If you are unable to distill down what you’ve learned, it may be too complicated for an article format. A website has more freedom than an article since some of the content can be dedicated solely to detailed information (or include additional links as resources). The ability to hyperlink within a website also allows readers to explore related topics on their own time without being overwhelmed with too much at once.

The most important aspect of any type of article is that it must be written in the active voice . The phrase “active voice” refers to sentence structure where the subject of a sentence performs the verb. In contrast, passive sentences place the focus on what has been done to something (as opposed to what someone or something does).

For example, when writing about researching information for your article: Active: After an hour of research I was able to determine … Passive: An hour of research was done by me and I determined … The passive version makes it seem like you didn’t do anything! It’s all about how much responsibility you take for getting things done—not who did them.  You as the writer are responsible for trying out the tips in your article or writing a review about an online course.

Information about article length

If you decide to write for an online magazine EzineMark, make sure that it is going to be constantly updated with fresh content so readers do not get tired of visiting the same website and come back later (or never). If you are planning on starting your own blog, make sure that you will have enough time to consistently write articles for it since search engines value consistency. An ideal article length is 500-1000 words but shorter/longer word counts can also work depending on what type of publication it’s for plus include pictures/visuals if it makes more sense than simple text only (pinterest boards are one option where people share their favorite things and recommend others based on pictures).

After you have written your article, proofread it several times (once for content, again after rephrasing unclear wording and a final time to check for any grammar or spelling errors) before submitting the final draft. If you are writing for an ezine that is on a tight deadline, always send articles with ample lead time so there’s more time for editorial review and editing.

Starting the article

Begin writing your article by thinking about what you want to say and how you will present that information. Do some research on similar topics and find out how others are putting their thoughts into words. When writing for a scholarly journal, it is especially important to stay professional at all times. This means avoiding slang phrases like “can’t” and “don’t,” as well as passive voice constructions (“it was done”) in favor of active ones (“the workers did”). Also make sure to avoid contractions such as “hadn’t” or “couldn’t.”

Another important aspect to consider is your title. The title should be clear and relevant to the content of the article, as well as catchy enough for people to click on it. Just like with any other writing medium, you need a hook so as not to lose your reader’s interest right away. When coming up with titles, try using some unique wording (this doesn’t mean overdoing it) or slang that’ll help catch your reader’s eye but still inform them as to what they’re about to read about. Avoid being too cryptic or saying something that might turn off potential readers because then they won’t bother reading the first sentence – let alone the rest of the article – and you’ll lose a potential audience.

When it comes to formatting, it’s generally accepted that using an italicized font for quotes or citing sources is fine. However, don’t go overboard with the extra cutesy font fonts (stick with something simple) or pictures as these can take away from your article rather than add to it. Overall, make sure that your content is still at the forefront: do not let your use of gimmicks detract from what you have to say in an effort to stand out from other writers on the internet today.

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