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4 Highly Recommended Ways to Keep Rats Out of Your Home

4 Highly Recommended Ways to Keep Rats Out of Your Home

If there’s one thing that no one wants to deal with it’s a rat infestation. That’s because rodents are not only unsanitary and pose health risks but can also do significant damage to your home and furnishings.

With this in mind, many homeowners are turning to the pest control Melbourne locals use to keep their homes and offices rodent-free. Regular pest control is the most effective way to deter rodents such as rats and mice from your property.

Why Are Rats Dangerous?

If you’ve never had to deal with rats in your home, you may think these little pests can be all that dangerous. Here’s what you need to know about rats.

Avoid Rodents in Your Home at All Costs

Prevention is always better than cure, as the adage says. With that in mind, you should always work toward keeping rats from entering your home in the first place. This will save you the hassle of trying to get rid of them once they’ve moved in. Here are a few simple steps to help you with that.

1.     Seal All Gaps, Cracks, and Holes

A little-known fact is that rats can flatten their bodies to help them squeeze through the smallest spaces. This means that they can easily get in through gaps, cracks, or holes. Your first line of defence should then be to seal up these openings. Use the right materials for the specific surface to ensure effective sealing. Caulk, silicone, plaster, and cement are a few options to consider.

2.     Remove their Habitat

Ras are constantly looking for places to nest in. Remove potential living spaces by clearing up your property of any debris such as old wood, dead trees, or any other items that may be lying around.

If you have wood piles for your weekly BBQs, ensure that these aren’t lying against your home walls. Trim back any heavy vegetation that may provide hiding places for rats and mice. Ensure that any dustbins have secure lids on them.

3.     Eliminate Their Food Source

Rats are notorious for eating just about anything. Avoid making this easy for them by doing the following:

4.     Trim Trees and Shrubs

Rats often gain entry into your home by getting into the roof from tall trees. Avoid this by trimming vegetation and trees that may be close to the roof. Most experts recommend cutting your vegetation back at least four feet. But, if that’s not possible, at least remove the branches that make climbing onto the roof easy.

It’s a good idea to check your roof for openings or gaps where rats may be getting into. Have these repaired and sealed as soon as possible. If you have found traces of rats on your roof, speak to your local pest controller about an effective way to deal with this.

Final Thoughts

Rats are quite possibly the most harmful type of household pests you can have in your home. Not only do they harbour dangerous diseases, but they can also cause significant damage to your home.

In addition to following our tips, be sure to speak to your local pest control agent for effective rat treatments and additional suggestions tailored to your home and area. A few simple steps may help keep these pests from entering your home altogether!

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