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When to Seek a Personal Injury Attorney’s Counsel?

When to Seek a Personal Injury Attorney’s Counsel?

It’s no secret that personal injury claims can be an extremely contentious legal process. After all, the stakes are high and plaintiffs risk their entire livelihoods when they decide to hire a personal injury attorney. However, it’s important to be aware of the signs that you should seek out a lawyer’s counsel when dealing with your own accident or injury.

As the case may be, it’s always best to get legal advice from a Boston personal injury lawyer prior to deciding to file a personal injury claim. Such claims are no less complex than any other type of case, after all.

This article will help you make the right decision when deciding whether or not to seek a lawyer’s assistance with your accident claim.

Here are some important signs you should consult a personal injury lawyer:

1. You are seriously injured

You should seek the legal advice of a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been seriously injured in an accident. A minor injury doesn’t necessarily require the representation of a personal injury lawyer. However, it is important to note that even a minor injury may also develop into a serious, life-altering condition. So, it is always best to seek out the advice of a lawyer when you’ve been injured in an accident, even if you believe that your injuries are not serious or life-altering.

2. There are multiple parties involved in the accident

If you were present at the accident and there are multiple parties involved in the case, then it is important that you seek legal assistance. In a personal injury claim, there can be multiple parties involved. These parties include other motorists who were present at the accident and pedestrians or cyclists who were struck by your vehicle as well.

3. The driver at fault is uninsured or underinsured

If you were involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver, then it is important that you seek legal advice immediately. There are many rules that govern the way in which personal injury claims are handled by insurance companies. For example, there may be a monetary cap on what your insurance company will pay for your injuries. If the driver of the at-fault vehicle was uninsured or underinsured, then you will have limitations on what the insurance company can pay for your personal injuries and medical expenses.

4. Insurance company denies your claim

If your insurance company denies your claim, you should contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. As previously mentioned, there may be caps on what the insurance company will pay for medical expenses and other damages related to the accident. Also, you may have trouble receiving compensation for your injuries if the driver of the at-fault vehicle was uninsured or underinsured.

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