When it comes to home defense situations, nothing beats shotguns. Unlike other firearms, a single shotgun shot will produce multiple projectiles that will penetrate your target and inflict massive damage.
There is no doubt that shotguns are the ultimate defense weapon. The confusion begins when you try to find the right ammo, as there is an enormous selection of shotgun shells to choose from.
Not all shotgun ammo is good for home defense purposes. Sometimes, all it takes to stop an intruder is the mere sight of a shotgun, but in case you have to shoot, here is the best shotgun ammo for home defense.
There are three main types of shotgun ammo: birdshot, buckshot, and slug. Birdshot shells can stop the intruder at extremely close ranges but are the least effective ones of the three. If you want to be certain your shot is going to stop the threat, you should go for either buckshot or slug, and here is why.
Buckshot consists of large same-sized pellets that are capable of producing high velocity and energy levels at 30 to 35 yards range. Because of its heavy load, it will inflict massive damage on the intruder, even if you miss their vital organs.
This makes buckshot an excellent choice for home defense, but exactly what type of buckshot should you acquire? One of the best choices is #00 buckshot. A #00 buckshot contains nine pellets that are .33 in diameter. The only bigger option is #000 buckshot which typically contains eight pellets with a .36’’ diameter, but this one might be considered overkill for home defense.

#00 buckshot is the most used shotgun ammo for home defense due to its ability to create a massive wound channel and produce great stopping power.
If you choose #00 buckshot for home defense, bear in mind that these projectiles can penetrate the walls and injure people in other rooms.
If you are living in a building, maybe you should consider obtaining smaller buckshot types, like #1 or #2.
If you want to be sure you won’t harm anyone else but the intruder, you can even use #3 and #4 buckshot, as the higher number of pellets will inflict more wounds but won’t penetrate the walls.
Another thing that makes them so popular is that they are easy to find. This might be its most favorable feature is we are currently experiencing an ammo shortage. If you go to the Natchez ammunition page, you will find that #00 buckshot is always in stock.
A slug is the only bullet-like ammo for shotguns, as it fires a single projectile.

While #00 buckshot has an effective range of 30 to 35 yards, a slug is capable of extending the shotgun’s range to 75 or even 100 yards. This makes it perfect for home defense situations where you have to shoot outside your home at a more distant target.
However, a slug is not a good choice for the inside home defense as it can penetrate a lot of stuff that stands in its way before finally stopping. This causes a massive risk of accidentally wounding or killing an innocent bystander.
Another thing you should bear in mind is that slugs generally hit higher than what you might be used to compared to the patterns made from birdshot or buckshot.
When considering shotgun ammo for home defense, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your ultimate choice should be made according to your own needs.
If you live in a house or building with other people, consider using buckshot with smaller pellets to ensure that nobody gets injured on the other side of the wall.
If you live in a large open estate, slug shotgun ammo might be your best choice of defense as it can stop the intruder before they reach your doorstep.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.