How much does a mobile game development cost? The answer to this question lies in a detailed study of each project individually. Software engineers use a wide range of effective tools for popular applications development. Some platforms bring their owners fabulous millions of dollars per month, while others simply siphon large sums of money from the creators’ purses. In this article, we will consider how much a mobile game development costs and how you can significantly reduce your expenses on it.
How much Does Mobile Game Development Cost?
The final cost of mobile or mobile game development depends on a large number of factors: the engine used, professionalism and marketing policy, etc.
Consider, for example, a hit mobile game Pokemon GO
- The client’s proposal and gamer’s design cost $100 thousand;
- UI and backend – $86,500;
- Another important point is the cost of 150 thousand dollars to ensure the server system.
- Testing of entertainment product is in the range of $50 thousand, and animation support takes 15% of the total amount of cash infusions;
- The cost part of management and sound accompaniment reaches $40 thousand, which is the smallest item of research;
- In the end, the app cost the company $600,000.
But don’t be intimidated by such large numbers. If you are not going to give a big hit to a legendary franchise, then most likely your application will be times cheaper. Each case is different and qualified IT specialists can make an accurate calculation. In addition, the total price for the formation of a mobile game app has a different level for each country and region.
As a rule, programmers and companies set an hourly rate that describes the scale and complexity of the realized project.
- The average rate for programming an entertainment application in Eastern Europe starts at $ 20-30 dollars per hour.
- In Australia and the United States specialists charge on average $100 for 1 hour of work.
- IT specialists from Western Europe sell their services at 60 euros per hour, in India – 8-30 dollars.
Thus, you can take advantage of outsourcing services. This will greatly expand the pool of talent and will save a lot on development while getting a good result.
The Main Items of Expenditure
Mobile game application development is a qualitatively organized business process, which has a number of technical characteristics and parameters. At the input, the owner invests a certain amount of money, and at the output receives a probable profit from the skilled operation.
The formation of a professional team is the most costly and responsible part. To do this, an experienced manager (usually the investor) and a team of programmers are approved. Designers and artists will allow the mobile game platform to be colorful, sophisticated, and individual. Certified managers and marketers allow to effectively bring the resulting product to new market segments.
Let’s look in more detail at the necessary components of the team for an entertainment product development:
- Manager. Authorized person competently distributes investment. programmers (2-5 people) + system administrator + 2 web-developers;
- talented designers (up to 3 specialists). Attracting creative artists is best done by outsourcing, which is clearly controlled by the art director.
- Game designer (if necessary);
- 1-2 marketing policy specialists + an experienced game master.
This is in the maximum package. Some roles can be combined or eliminated altogether.
In any case, the most reasonable way to save money on mobile game development is outsourcing. A team from another country can be great at mobile game development and still charge a reasonable development fee. Go to RexSoft’s website to contact such a team and become part of the wonderful world of mobile game development.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.