What is Karma?
What you refer to as “my life” is a finite amount of energy governed by a finite amount of data. In today’s parlance, this data is referred to as software. A given amount of information is charged with a specific amount of life energy. This information technology is you when you work together. Because of the knowledge that has been fed into you, you develop a certain type of personality. You can also read cheating karma quotes to get more clarity on karma.
From the moment you were born until now, the type of family, home, and friends you had, as well as the things you did and did not do, have all influenced you. Every idea, emotion, and action you have is based only on previous impressions you have experienced. They decide on who you are right now. The way you think, feel, and comprehend life is a result of how you’ve processed information.
The past impressions of life go far beyond the moment you were born, but what kind of parents, family, and education you had, what kind of religious and social background you had, what kind of cultural realities – all of these impressions have gone into your perception right now, at least from the moment you were born until today. Because of the type of information that has gotten into him, someone has changed into a different persona. This is what karma is all about. This data is known as karma, karmic body, or causal body – the information that produces life.
Karma’s Simple Law: What Goes Around Comes Around!
The basic idea of how karma, or the law of cause and effect, works is “what goes around comes around” or “what you sow, so shall you reap.” Karma translates to “activity.” Karma is split into four categories: positive, evil, individual, and group karma. The fruits of one’s acts will be reaped depending on one’s actions. Depending on the nature of the actions taken, the fruits may be sweet or sour. Fruits can also be reaped collectively if a group of people performs a specific activity or activities together.
Everything we say and do has an impact on what will happen to us in the future. Whether we act honestly or dishonestly, whether we help or damage others, it all gets recorded and appears as a karmic consequence in this incarnation or another. All karmic records are carried into the next life and body by the soul.
There is no specific formula for how and when karmic reactions will manifest in our life, but they will manifest in some way or another. You may be able to get away with committing a crime or avoiding paying taxes, but karma says that no one gets away with anything for very long.
When anything goes wrong in our life and it doesn’t appear to make sense, it can be extremely perplexing. We may be left standing there with no solutions. I recall a very trying period in my life when my family lost our whole money, which completely threw my life into disarray. I pondered why this was happening and came up with three possibilities:
1. God is cruel for allowing things to unfold as they do.
2. Things are happening entirely by coincidence, with no rhyme or reason to them.
3. Even if I couldn’t remember it, I may have had a role in my misery in some inexplicable way.
Option two didn’t appeal to me since I couldn’t believe that things were shifting about at random. I’ve always believed that the universe must have some sort of order. Because I had grown up believing in God, I was willing to accept option one entirely because it allowed me to point a finger and express my rage and fury at someone I had adored my entire life.
A karmic reaction, whether positive or negative, may or may not occur in the same incarnation. It may show up in a future life. It’s also possible to be bombarded with a slew of reactions, both favorable and negative, all at once. A credit card purchase is the clearest comparison I can think of for how karma works. You make the purchase right now, but the bill won’t arrive for another 30 days. If you make multiple purchases in a billing period, you’ll be charged with a single large bill.
“Why am I being punished for something from a prior life if I can’t even remember it?” is a reasonable question that emerges. We don’t question why nice things happen to us, of course. We simply accept the good because we believe we deserve or have earned it. We forget a lot of things we’ve done in the past, let alone things we’ve done in another existence. The most significant lesson is that we may become more aware of our current activities to better prepare our families and ourselves for a more prosperous future, both financially and spiritually.
“Do we wish to remember our prior lives?” is an important subject to consider. Dealing with the difficulties of this one life is painful enough. We can only fathom how long we would be able to live if the agony and suffering of our former lives were to be piled on top of our mind. Most people don’t recall what happened in earlier lifetimes, which is probably a good thing so that we can start moving forward in our current lives.
Free yourself from the clutches of Karma!
Whatever karma you have, it is a limited possibility, which makes you a restricted person. You have a certain personality based on the impressions you received, whether they were hatred and wrath or love and joy – normally, every human being is a complex mixture of these things. There is no such thing as freedom once you let this karmic structure to grow beyond a certain point. Everything you do is influenced by your past experiences. One of the first steps toward liberation is to release karma’s grip and shackle.
How do you go about doing that? One simple method is to physically break karma. If your karma dictates that you get up at 8 a.m., you set your alarm at 5 a.m. The karma of your body is that it will not want to get up. “No, I’m going to get up,” you say. Even if it rises, your body will crave a cup of coffee. You, on the other hand, give it a cold shower. By intentionally doing anything, you are now breaking the previous karmic process. Isn’t it true that you may do whatever you want unconsciously? You must consciously do what you despise.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.