Mold should be quite high on your concerns for your business and its effects on the health and well-being as well as the look of your workplace. Mold isn’t just something that’s bad for the health, it also deters visitors and clients who come to your business and can lead to losing revenue over time.
One way to prevent mould is to test for it. This is the process when you contact mold testing experts to take an in-depth look at your space and provide preventative solutions and remediation of the mold itself.
When Should You Test for Mold?
You don’t necessarily need to get a mold test twice a year, there are some tell-tale signs that mold has occurred or is likely to occur, and these should spur you to call the experts.
You See Strange Patches
If you start to notice dark, white or grey patches growing on your walls, you may want to contact a mold remediation expert to remove them before it spreads. Even if you think it might just be discolouration, it’s best to have it checked anyway as it could be water damage that will later lead to mold or cause damage to your property.
You Notice Bad Smells
If you have mold, you’ll be able to smell a very distinct musk that smells damp, or like air hasn’t moved in an area. If you smell something out of the ordinary, you should check for signs of mold or standing water, as standing water can also result in mold.
Workers Have Health Issues
If you notice people in your workplace calling out sick due to respiratory issues, heart issues or even allergies and skin rashes, you may have mold. Other symptoms that mold can cause are runny noses, itchy eyes and sneezing, so keep an eye out for these as well. If you want to get to the cause of these illnesses and find out the cause of the problem, you should call the experts.
There Are Children or Elderly People Around
If your workplace is somewhere where infants or the elderly are visiting regularly, you may want to consider regular checks on your workplace as mold Is known to affect those who are immunocompromised in a strong way, and this generally includes the elderly and very young.
You’re Selling or Buying Property
When you sell your office space you will want it to be attractive to potential buyers, to do this, you will want to check for water and damage and mold before you sell. If you are trying to buy a building on the other hand, it would be smart to organize your surveyor to do a check for mold so you can start on the right foot and don’t invest in something that’s already suffering from immense mold damage.
There’s Water Damage
If you notice water damage, whether it be from burst pipes or flooding, you will need to check for mold growth. The reason is that water damage almost immediately leads to mold growth, so if you think you’re at risk of mold, you should get the water removed and the area sanitized just in case because even after the water is removed mold can grow months later.
A Bad Mold Remediation Has Occurred
If a previous owner or manager has tried to DIY a mold remediation in the past or has hired a bad mold remediation company, the mold is likely to come back. If the mold does come back, you don’t want to try another DIY. The best option is to just remove the mold once and for all. To do this, you should consider calling the experts.
You Want Peace of Mind
Running a business is hard enough. The last thing you want to deal with is mold. It’s such a headache and will only add to your ever-growing list of things to do. The best way to remain stress-free and not add more tasks to your day is to call the expert the second you feel as though you may have mold. They can fix the issue and you can get back to work faster.
Now that you know when you need to call the professionals, you should know which professionals to call. The best choice by far is Flood Pro’s USA. Whether you need their professional car mold cleaners or their team of expert mold inspectors they’re the right choice for you.
Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.