Yoga in general is the best way you can achieve flexibility in your body and there is no doubt in this statement. If we see clearly and properly we will be able to see that almost all the poses or Asanas lead us to a flexible life and makes the body more agile than it was before thus yoga is a certified method to improve flexibility. It also reduces all the stiffness in the body making it lighter and curing any ache that might take place in the body.
In this article, we must discuss a few poses that are dedicated just to improving the flexibility of the body. Today improving flexibility and getting a toned body is the new thing that almost the entire young generation wants today. Schools, colleges even offices today are encouraging yoga as a lifestyle change and asking to get it into the daily routine. Yoga helps you live a healthy and happy life. Flexibility today is really important as an unhealthy and overweight, life leads to several diseases and heart problems. Also, heart problems and breathing problems are an added parcel of an overweight body. Yoga School in Rishikesh have several sessions to improve flexibility let’s see what they are.
Downward-facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)-
This is a pose that stretches the body and reduces stiffness in it throughout. Downward dog pose is one of the basic poses or asana for the beginning of any yoga journey. This is a part of so many yoga routines and has several benefits of its own.
To do this pose stand still, straight with hands on the side placing them just behind the knees. Then you can curl the toes and lift the knees off the floor now with the help of your palms on the ground push your back straight up straightening the legs and the arms. Search the body as much as possible and try and hold this pose for about 30 seconds to one minute. Do this posture for 3 sets to get good results? The V position must be intact throughout otherwise it might not be helpful. Your hands must be below your heart facing the ground straight. On the beginning days this posture might be a little difficult but with practice, one can achieve what is required.
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)-
As the name suggests this posture will make a pyramid shape in your body. This makes the hands and the lower back flexible with daily practice. The areas where this pose work is the spine area, the leg, and the back as you bend forward. One of the vital poses, when you are a part of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh this pose, helps in restoring a good balance and posture as well.
To do this posture all your need to do is stand straight with your hands by your side, then move your one leg forward stretching it as much as possible, and then slowly bend your body down with your face down on the floor. Slowly bring your hands behind you and try and join them in a fold. This pose will open the hamstring muscles and thereby help in flexibility helping in balancing the shoulder and back. The feet should be about 3-4 feet apart and the angles must also be looked into to get the best results. Hold this posture for about a minute and then try and repeat this for 3 sets.
Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)-
This pose helps you focus on the lower area and spinal areas. This pose helps in making this area of the body much more relaxed and flexible. The core muscles are engaged here and give a powerful stretch in the arm, spine, neck, and chest area as well.
To do this pose you need to kneel on one leg and bend the other. The leg kneeled should be straight and stretched then the other should be bent and the balance must be intact. Now join the hands over your head and arch the back slightly with the back bent. Hold this posture for 30 seconds and do thus pose on the other leg as well, do this for 3 sets to get the best results.
These are thus some of the poses that help in restoring flexibility in your body. There are other poses as well but these poses are basic. One thing that one must keep in mind is that flexibility is not a one-day thing and it requires some amount of time to get there and might be a struggle who are doing it for the first time. But once you start the journey you will reach there in no time if the practice is worth it and you are doing it properly.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.