Using Minoxidil to help fight hair loss problems is an effective treatment that has helped many men up and down the country. A prescription is required to use it, but Sons can help you determine whether it’s needed.
But how do you apply Minoxidil? Is it easy to apply correctly? Let us explain the process of using Minoxidil to get the best results possible.
How to Apply Minoxidil
Although it’s possible to get Minoxidil as a capsule that should be swallowed, it primarily comes in a 60ml bottle as a topical spray. Sometimes, men get reactions to topical formulas applied to their scalp, like rashes or redness, but Minoxidil side effects are uncommon. If you notice them occur, speak to your doctor and the Sons team so your issues can be resolved.
To use the spray, use the pump at the top of the bottle once it is on the affected areas and spread the solution into your scalp before spreading it into the areas with clean fingers. You need to perform this twice daily and not exceed the correct dosage amount – one bottle pump should provide 1 ml of Minoxidil, which is accurate. After this, wash your hands thoroughly and let the medication absorb into your hair follicles. We suggest you use Minoxidil each in the morning and the evening, only when your hair is dry, but not before showering.
You must follow the directions daily, or you won’t get the best results. If you miss days or use a reduced dose than suggested, you might not see the results you want. It’s also not wise to take too much Minoxidil, as the dosage prescribed to you is the most effective for treating male pattern hair loss.
The Timeline for Minoxidil
Taking Minoxidil requires patience and regimentation to address your hair loss problems adequately. For instance, the first signs of progress will be evident after around three months; don’t worry if your hair starts shedding a bit before this; it’s perfectly normal and indicates the formula is working.
Our older hair with less vitality needs to be shed so that new and healthier strands can grow in their place; don’t stop taking the treatment if there is a little bit of shedding. Your hair follicles need room for thicker strands to develop, which is precisely what happens when your hair is shedding.
After six months, more significant changes should show, and hopefully, your hair loss will have slowed or stopped altogether. When you’ve been taking Minoxidil for 9-12 months, the complete effects will be there for all to see, but continue taking it beyond this point, or the same issues you had before could recur.
For all the information you could want on Minoxidil and the entire range of Sons’ hair loss products, explore the Sons website.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.