In this guide, we’ll take a look at how to get started on YouTube. If you want to jump into videos, it’s important to be well prepared.
How do you get a lot of subscribers and views on YouTube?
There are no quick fixes unfortunately, and at the risk of disappointing you, you won’t become popular overnight and you aren’t going to have thousands of views coming out of this guide. However, you will have a good foundation for having a decent YouTube channel!
The launch and the basics of creating your channel
Haven’t created or finished your channel yet?
First of all, choose a theme: Don’t go on YouTube without an idea, and focus on a theme. Don’t make a Gaming channel, then focus on Android / iOs tutorials and finally, talk about cooking. Stay in the same theme, even if you can sometimes branch out (If you make a Let’s Play channel, we won’t blame you if you do a tutorial on PlayStation hardware for example).
Take the time to figure out what you’re going to do: Don’t choose a channel theme based on others, but based on your tastes and preferences, do what you love to do! Today, it is more and more difficult to stand out and there are more and more Youtubers on the net.
A relevant channel name
The first step in creating a channel will be choosing your name. It’s your brand, your signature, it’s what people will look for you or better yet, talk about you. Choose a channel name that is clear, precise, relevant to what you are doing, and not too long. Consider putting a capital letter at the beginning of each word to improve the aesthetic appeal. The choice of name is very important and it is a success factor for you. Once launched, it will be too late to change anything. Take the time to think about this crucial point. Remember, this is the name your community and people will call you by, so it is a key criteria.
Play with the design of your channel
The next step will be to add a touch of personalization to your channel by playing on the design. Consider putting an avatar and a banner (formerly the background) on your channel. Dress it as you see fit, and make your own graphic creations: Do not take simple images on the net for your channel, make a YouTube template by yourself with the name of your channel, and a personalization element.
Add a custom url!
By default, YouTube puts each new channel an automatic URL and that is frankly, not ideal. You will notice that the URL is complex and difficult to remember. You have the choice to enter your personalized URL. Obviously, you cannot choose the same as another user. Uppercase letters and numbers are possible, however special characters are not allowed.
Capture and send your videos
You will need equipment to make your videos. Whether it’s for editing, sending video or recording. I will give you a small list here, everything may not be useful to you.
A computer: It might be silly, but for recording, editing, or even sending video, a computer is mandatory.
Capturing software for PC: To record your games or your screen, capturing software is necessary.
A microphone: Most Youtubers speak and comment on their videos, and you will undoubtedly be one of them. Any microphone, headset will do.
A camera: This is not necessary, but adds an interactive and more lively side to your videos. This is also the fashion for face-commentary. A device that takes videos is enough, a webcam will also do.
Editing software: Sony Vegas Pro, Adobe Premiere… They are numerous, but expensive. Up to you.
Obviously, making good quality videos is a bit expensive. But be sure that with the right material and the right quality, your videos will be watched more. If you don’t have enough time to do it all, you can use Artgrid Discount Code. The discount code allows you to get 2 months free stock video footage at Artgrid.
Of course there are other tips but what have been mentioned above are the basics of how to become a successful Youtuber.

Angela Spearman is a journalist at EzineMark who enjoys writing about the latest trending technology and business news.